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The most important concepts of object-oriented programming: inheritance, constructor and use of “this” and “super” keyword along with a program on real
life basis implementing all of them.
Web Development phase 1: HTML
The first and most basic phase of web development. Learning about HyperText Markup Language(HTML), its implementations and types.
The 6 best and the top laptops for any programmer, cybersecurity/hacker, gamer to purchase in 2021. Starting from the lowest to the great budget laptops.Here are all of them
The number of ways to trick an AI in an AI proctored exam. These are the most basic limitations of an AI which can never compete with real intelligence of the students.
One of the hardest concept asked in the entrance exams and interview of FAANG(Facebook , Amazon , Apple , Netflix and Google), explained in the easiest way. It also falls in the category of FANG obsessive topics because of its logical recursion replacement.
The first major step in the software development field is having proper knowledge and understanding of the object-oriented programming concept and its implementation.
FANG’s obsessive topics or topics from the competitive programming which FANG is so obsessed with! these days. Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Netflix, and Amazon have kept on asking questions over these three topics from the past couple of months in their coding rounds
The best budget monitors especially for hackers and programmers with a detailed information for why they are required so much and what to know before buying them!