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The most important concepts of object-oriented programming: inheritance, constructor and use of “this” and “super” keyword along with a program on real
life basis implementing all of them.
Web Development phase 1: HTML
The first and most basic phase of web development. Learning about HyperText Markup Language(HTML), its implementations and types.
The 6 best and the top laptops for any programmer, cybersecurity/hacker, gamer to purchase in 2021. Starting from the lowest to the great budget laptops.Here are all of them
The Algorithm behind Spotify
The major working principle and algorithm behind the working of spotify
COHESION 2021 – CTF Writeups
IEEE NorthCap conducted an event “Cohesion”. MeuSec was it’s proud education partner. These are writeups for the CTF challenges of Cohesion.
The writeups for OSINT Challenges of the Cohesion CTF by IEEE NCU.
The writeups for Miscellaneous Challenges of the Cohesion CTF by IEEE NCU.
The writeups for Reverse Engineering Challenges of the Cohesion CTF by IEEE NCU.
The writeups for Reverse Engineering Challenges of the Cohesion CTF by IEEE NCU.