These are the writeups for Miscellaneous Challenges of the Cohesion CTF by IEEE NCU.
1. Discord
This is fairly simple challenge, join MeuSec’s discord server.
Here you can see the flag in an emoji’s name on a message in announcements channel.
The flag is: cohesion.ctf{TH4NK5-F0R-J01N1NG-D15C0RD}
2. Zero Width
This was fairly a simple challenge if you read the description carefully the title is “Zero Width” if you google it, you will get some Unicode cipher. After decoding it you will get the flag. cohesion.ctf{Un1c0de_1s_l33t}.
3. Digital Ink
Here, the description says it all you need to google some keywords like “Digital Ink”, “FilterFirst” which will lead you to a tool through which you could easily extract the file in the form of a text file. But before that let’s also look at the resource given.
It is a normal jpeg image running steghide will give you nothing. You could download the toolkit from here, and hence solve this challenge. The flag is –> cohesion.ctf{D1git4l_1nk_4lw4ys_w0rks}
4. Deception
This was a slightly long and layered challenge when you look at the resource it’s a text file with some random numbers.
After having a bit of look you will get to know that it is a zip file so to convert it into a zip we will use the xxd command and then extract the file from the zip.
After extracting the file from the zip let’s take a view of the file.
These are HTML entities after changing the file extension from .txt to .html we will get the following text.
This is URL encoding, let’s decode it.
After decoding it we get some hex characters so let’s decode them.
You can see this some type of URL format so lets perform a ROT13 decode to get the actual URL.
We got some Pastebin link let’s open it see what’s inside.
And Voilaa!! we got the flag. Let’s wrap that around the flag format and submit it.
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